- October 2016 – Translating Weather Records and Soil Moisture Forecasts into High-Resolution Trafficability Maps. Esri Canada User Conference in Fredericton, New Brunswick.
- July 2015 – Mapping temporal and spatial soil hydrothermal and mechanical properties by way of the Soil Trafficability Model (STRAP). Soil Interfaces for Sustainable Development (ISMOM) in Montreal, Quebec.
- October 2014 – Creating a Temporal and Spatial Soil Hydrothermal and Operations Model. Esri Canada User Conference in Fredericton, New Brunswick.
- November 2013 – Modelling Daily Soil Moisture Changes by way of Temporal Hydrology Modeling and Spatial Wet-Areas-Mapping. Esri Canada User Conference in Halifax, Nova Scotia.
- July 2011 – Modelling Dissolved Organic Carbon Concentrations and Fluxes in Stream and Forest Catchments. The 10th International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant (ICMGP), Halifax, Nova Scotia.